3 weeks and 2 days…

February 10, 2010


And I can’t put lipstick on straight!

It ends up all over my mouth, like I’m a litte kid experimenting with a dressing up box!
My bottom lip just won’t do what i want it to. I can’t stretch it out and make it go tight at all. In fact I can’t even remember what faces I used to pull to put lipstick on in the first place.
I am getting more and more nerve sensation every day though. My friend Lashie told me that he just fell over and cut his chin and it took six months for him to get the sensation back. Bizarre.
I’ve got no feeling in my gums or the roof of my mouth either still.
My cheek bones are the most painful thing today. It feels a bit like having a really bad cold when your sinuses hurt and you get  a headache with it. Also my upper teeth are all aching. I had a bad bout of that on Monday coz I thought I’d see what would happen if i missed one of my 4 hourly painkiller doses. Not a good idea at this stage!
Also I want to say good luck to my friend Ed (Natalie’s boyfriend) who is going in for a back op on Monday.
My advice is….
  • Ask for the anti-sickness stuff with the anasthetic
  • Ask for as much morphine as you think you can get away with
  • Drink as much prune juice as you can stomach
  • Don’t be shy of using those suppositories!!